

It's a silly thing to want more from you
but here I am, wanting to be close
to near the gap between you and me
to fill it with nice words and subtle compliments
soft touches on your shoulders
messy kisses on your hands.

I want so much and yet so little
all I ask is some caressing to my soul
who seems to miss you sometimes, when the mornings are lonely
when I know you're thinking about a million things
but me.
I don't know why that makes me feel so needy. I'm not like this.

You make me feel like a different person 
even if you don't know it.
It's incredible really, how much a simple act can do
a little hint of reciprocation at eleven o'clock
and then and there, you have me for you yet again
hiding giddiness in my normal composture.

I like attention now, it seems.
I like the feeling you want to be near me too.